Utilizing our Website Applications, you’ll be able to focus on your web site’s reputation right from your personal Online Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you will get a detailed sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You are able to publish the sitemap to the search engines so they can scan your web site as fast as possible. Moreover, from the RSS News software, you could use regularly kept up to date information on your web site, which is actually a warranty for greater ranking positions with the major search engines. The GeoIP redirection application will assist you to reroute visitors coming from a certain region to a particular language version of your website for more accurate targeting end results.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap application bundled straight into your Online Control Panel

In case you have just brought out your website and want it to get indexed more quickly from the the search engines, or if you need to offer your users a simple method to navigate through all of your webpages, you’ll need to use a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a listing of all the pages on your web site that are hyperlinked to. Usually, you have to make use of third–party applications to complete the task, but with Internet Worldwide Web, you can get a Sitemap Generator built directly into the Online Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we supply is really simple to use and because it’s perfectly suitable for Internet Worldwide Web’s cloud cloud service platform – your web site will be scanned very quickly.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Physical location–focused redirections with only a click of the mouse

Internet Worldwide Web gives you a great way to re–route your site visitors on the basis of physical location. Through the GeoIP re–direction application, you can route all customers who come from a specific area to a native language variant of your site. For example, in case you have an Italian version of your site, you can quickly send all the website visitors from Italy to that particular page rather than asking them to move to Italian after they load the English variation. This will help you supply your visitors with an intuitive on–site experience right from the start.

There’s no need for any particular skills or computer knowledge to work with the GeoIP re–direction application. It is configured with only a click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the most up–to–date publications on your website

What is RSS? RSS is a method for submitting and collecting information. It’s being commonly used by information web sites, private blogging sites, newscasts, etc. The posted information is easily collected by a news reader and after that made available to the user. Utilizing RSS, customers can pick up news from a wide range of sites and go through them in a single area.

With the RSS News Syndication tool, you can easily include news feeds coming from many of the world’s most common information portals and showcase them on you web site.

RSS News