The term "disk space" is oftentimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", however all these words refer to the exact same thing - the volume of information that you'll be able to upload to a cloud hosting account. The full size of what you have is calculated by accumulating the storage space consumed by the entire content within the account, the most obvious being the types of files you upload. Two other things are usually forgotten by a lot of end users, though - e-mail messages as well as databases. Sizable attachments and databases of big script-driven websites can often need a lot of disk space as well. In order to use a more common analogy, the hard drive space of your PC is taken not only by files that you download, but additionally by documents you write together with programs you add. Similarly, a number of things are counted towards the hdd space your data employs on a web site hosting server, not only the uploads.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

We have designed our cloud service with the concept that the hdd storage won't be a setback for your sites. While many web hosting providers generate accounts using a single server, and as a matter of fact, the most common Control Panels are designed to function solely on such a platform, we've taken an alternative solution. We have clusters of servers that take care of each part of the web hosting service, which means that your files will be stored on a single cluster, your email on another one,the databases on a third one, and so on. Through this cloud platform we achieve two things - the hdd space is actually infinite due to the fact that we can easily connect as many servers and hard disk drives to the clusters as needed, and we improve the performance of each machine due to the fact that just a single kind of system processes will operate on it. This custom setup will allow you to expand your websites as much as you'd like without having to worry about running out of disk storage.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

Owing to the fact that all of our semi-dedicated server plans are quite powerful, we've decided not to restrict the disk space characteristic when we have designed them. Our idea is that if you acquire a powerful package, it's more than likely that you've got a large amount of web site data, consequently every semi-dedicated server package offers you limitless hard disk capacity, which will allow you to concentrate on developing your websites without be worried whether you will suit an allowance. Your website hosting account will be made using a cloud web hosting system where the files, emails and databases have their own clusters of servers, hence not only will the machines perform far better for the reason that only a single type of system processes will operate on them, but in addition you will not ever have to worry about the disk space because we're able to install as many servers or hard disk drives to each and every cluster as required.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

Our VPS servers come with disk space allocations proportional to the computing power you will get with each and every package. By using a higher package, for instance, it is more likely you'll host a number of domain names or a single big web site, hence the hdd space grows as you upgrade the package. When you employ the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all the domains will share the space, while if you choose cPanel or DirectAdmin, you're able to make independent hosting accounts and allocate a pre-defined amount of the overall VPS storage space for every individual website. You will even be able to allot hdd storage from one domain to another if necessary. When you acquire a particular VPS package and you need more storage afterwards, you can upgrade to a greater plan with no more than a few clicks in your billing section. The extra resources will be placed in your present plan without server downtime or content migration.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

With the hdd space that we offer with all of our Linux dedicated servers, we guarantee that you will be able to manage any type of web site whatever its size. You will get at least 500 GB storage, that you're able to use the way you see fit - even for personal file depository. By default, you'll be given 2 HDDs, that can be used independently, to use their overall capacity, or they can be used in RAID so that one will be a duplicate the other in real time to guarantee that you won't waste important data in the event of a hardware malfunction. You're also given the option to add extra disks to increase the full disk storage at your disposal even more. This makes it possible for you to make a file or image storage portal without any problems if you would like. Thanks to the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we provide, you can set up an independent account for each website that you host on your server and pre-define a quota for the disk space it will be allowed to use. When you choose the third choice, our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel, all the domains will be managed in one place and they'll share the full server HDD space.