Should you ever experience a problem with your site and be incapable of handling it on your own, ask the web hosting provider’s customer support staff to assist you to get the site back online. A quick resolution would be the best scenario, but many hosting companies reply within twenty four hours and even more, particularly if you are dealing with a reseller. Even if your problem can be quickly resolved, your site may not work satisfactorily or it may not be available at all for a prolonged stretch of time, so you may lose prospective clients because it is pretty unlikely that anyone will enthusiastically go back to a site that’s broken. With that said, you need to make certain not only that you can get in touch with your hosting company, but also that they can reply and assist you in a well-timed manner. If a software application update does not proceed smoothly or you erase something unintentionally, for instance, the website must be restored swiftly in order to avoid long downtime.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud service feature a 60-minute reply guarantee, which goes to say that irrespective of what enquiry or obstacle you might have, we will always be there to lend a helping hand. In reality, it seldom takes more than 30 minutes to get an issue sorted out or an inquiry answered, and this is valid for both sales and technical matters. Our customer care staff representatives will be at your disposal 24-7, even on official holidays and weekends, so you’ll get quick help at all times. We know exactly how valuable time can be, so by the time we reply to your e-mail or ticket, we will have explored the matter and, if we haven’t come up with a solution, we will give you more info about what you need to do on your end, if the situation requires this. With our support services, you can be sure that there will be someone to lend you a helping hand right away, no matter what time it is.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our client support staff reps will be at your service all the time and they will respond to any support ticket that you send through the hosting Control Panel within 60 minutes max. The ticket response time is guaranteed no matter if you’ve got a general query relating to your semi-dedicated server or you confront an obstacle and you won’t have to wait even that long for most issues. Irrespective of what the essence of the issue is or what time it is, we will be there to help you out, as we are available 7 days a week to tackle any billing, technical or general issue. In case you contact us about anything that is within our capabilities, we will sort it out before we get back to you, so you will not have to wait around for hours or days while the problem persists. If there is something that you need to do on your end, we’ll give you the required information – what workable solutions to try, what actions to take, etc.